The fostering of a healthy, constructive home-school relationship is especially important. We welcome your involvement in your child’s education and will actively promote it by keeping you informed, both through written communication and an ‘open door’ policy which welcomes discussion, comments and suggestions.
Parents are invited to participate in special activities or functions that are held through out the year. Teachers welcome the assistance of parents in classroom activities such as listening to reading, assisting with maths, art/craft and accompanying students on class visits or camps.
Matters of concern are usually best clarified by direct discussion. If you require an interview with a teacher please phone to make an appointment. The teaching commitment of staff members will not be interrupted for interviews/calls unless exceptional circumstances exist. General enquiries, and any complaints, should always be directed to one of the administrative staff.
School Facebook Page
Our school uses Facebook to convey important information regarding what is happening at the school, events and important community notices.
Our page details are;
Primary Reports
A department report on each child in Years PP - 6 will be issued at the end of each semester. Kindergarten and Pre Primary parents receive a portfolio that encompasses work samples from each semester. Open Days are held during the year and parents are welcome to make an appointment at any time to discuss their child’s progress with the classroom teacher.
Assemblies occur on a regular basis each term. Their main purpose is to acknowledge student achievement and to communicate information. Dates and times for assemblies are advertised in the school newsletter and Term Planner along with Facebook and Dojo. Classes take turns to organise and conduct these events, and to present an item. All parents and community members are welcome to attend.
We are now using the Dept of Education's Connect app to keep you up to date with all class & school news.
If you have any questions regarding this or have difficulty logging on please call 08 5125 4000 during business hours. 7.30am to 3pm Mon to Friday.
Please use the following link to log onto Connect or alternatively download the ConnectNow App from your app store.
The school newsletters are available online and are a means of conveying information about forthcoming events, information and what has been happening within the school.
View Our Newsletters